Amazing enperience with Ragipさん and Vefaさん

世界遺産カッパドキア+パムッカレ 2泊3日観光ツアー イスタンブールから2大観光地へ!<6食付き/日本語・英語ガイド/国内航空券込/イスタンブール発>
Our guide Kapadokya Ragip さん took us around many places and all of them are so much fun.
Our tour guide Ragipさん is so nice that he booked my balloon tour which I didn't book til the day before the flight.
Also he and our driver Vefa さん didn't force us to rush and they managed our tour perfectly.
They made our two days of tour and every moments with them are unforgettable!
We want to tell more than thank you to them and hope to see you once again!