Veltra saves the day

釧路市内発 釧路定期観光日帰りバスツアー「ピリカ号」釧路湿原・阿寒湖・摩周湖・屈斜路湖めぐり!阿寒摩周国立公園を1日で周遊<4~10月/阿寒湖・釧路空港下車可>
We are tourists from China and we discovered that the Pirika bus tickets on the Akan Bus official website were sold out two weeks in advance. Initially, we were dismayed upon learning that there were no other tourist buses available for sightseeing around Lake Akan. Fortunately, we managed to secure two tickets through Veltra.

Our guide was pleasant and provided continuous commentary about the various attractions and surroundings, although our limited Japanese made it challenging to fully understand the explanations. We had fun along the way and were conveniently dropped off in front of our hotel on Lake Akan Onsen Street. One aspect that could potentially be improved is the duration of time allocated to each attraction.

Overall, we thoroughly enjoyed the experience and would recommend this trip, as well as Veltra, to anyone interested in exploring the Lake Akan area. It's advisable to book well in advance, given the high demand for these tours.
on the bus
tickets and brochures